Curated by Vanini Belarmino Saatchi Art Hallways Saatchi&Saatchi Singapore Clarke Quay, Singapore 24 September-31 October 2012
Saatchi&Saatchi Singapore has invited Vanini Belarmino, Managing Director of Belarmino&Partners, to curate the premiere exhibition “Skin and Walls”, for the Saatchi Art Hallways.
Featuring Ziquan Lan, Jahan Loh, Tommy Morris, Joseph Siow and Andrée Weschler, this exhibition combines creative mediums that employ the layerings of the body and the concrete and virtual walls as the canvas in the artistic creation.
“Skin and Walls”sees the initial attempt of Saatchi&Saatchi to bring art, creativity and technology under their roof to allow new inspirations to flourish.